Expo At Arti et Amicitea

My work at @artietamicitiae in Amsterdam. Till 23 december 2023. A lot of good work ; Go there!

“It’s in the news! We live in fog” 75 x 115 cm , mixed media 2023.#itsinthenews #weliveinfogs #closedeyes #war #oekraïne #gaza , the world is on fire, what are we doing?’” In my series ‘Home?’
Allready in the series is #medusayourraftdontraft #wereontheroadtonowhere #homeiswheretheheartis

Keep posted
@lidwien_van_noorden .

#contemporaryartwork #artnow #insidethestudio #artwatchers #artcollecting #studioviews #artmag #moderngallery #atelierdartiste
#art #artistsoninstagram

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