The movie : Glashelder! Expositie van Lidwien van Noorden. 28 oktober t/m 8 december 2024. Gratis toegankelijk in de Willem Twee Kunstruimte in ‘s-Hertogenbosch . Ook op het stadhuis is werk geëxposeerd in de vitrine van de wethouder.
Tag archieven: #paintings
Movie of some big art of Lidwien van Noorden
1/ Qwelder (4 x 3 x 3 meter), in collaboration with @auw_mijn_been Exposed at @werkwarenhuis , movie by @davemenkehorst
2/ Artist at work in the Expo EPISODUS. In collaboration with @auw_mijn_been @timonprosperartwork @milou_vankessel @atelierb5 . At @kunstruimtedemelkfabriek , movie by @kvtartofficial
3/ Medusa your raft don’t raft ( 1.80 x 2 x 2 meter) . In the expo EPISODUS at @kunstruimtedemelkfabriek, movie by @davemenkehorst
4/ We ‘re on the road to nowhere ( 7 meter painting/ assemblage), exposed in Belgium. Movie by @lidwien_van_noorden
This overview is made thks to Manuel Cooymans @DJCrecording. The 1st show in the expo UPDATE at @artietamicitiae in Amsterdam, spring 2024 . The 2st at GLASHELDER, in ‘s-Hertogenbosch, autumn 2024 @atelierbeheerstichting @willem_twee_kunstruimte and @gemeenteshertogenbosch @mikevandergeld ‘s vitrine.
Movie also thks to @cultuurfondsen’s-Hertogenbosch.
#artmovie #movie #art #overview #expo #exhibition #artworks #modernart #collaboration #painting #assemblsge #sculpture #installation #artinstallation #bigart @bigartnl
In the left room at Arti
Ceci n’est pas une forêt vierge, Rube cube and Constances l’origine at ‘Update’ artietamicitiae . Together with 16 great artists my art (2d, 3d and movie) to see in Amsterdam. Also Masha and I don’t like pink are on show till 13 may 2024. Welcome! Hope to see you there.
Expo At Arti et Amicitea

My work at @artietamicitiae in Amsterdam. Till 23 december 2023. A lot of good work ; Go there!
“It’s in the news! We live in fog” 75 x 115 cm , mixed media 2023.#itsinthenews #weliveinfogs #closedeyes #war #oekraïne #gaza , the world is on fire, what are we doing?’” In my series ‘Home?’
Allready in the series is #medusayourraftdontraft #wereontheroadtonowhere #homeiswheretheheartis
Keep posted
@lidwien_van_noorden .
#contemporaryartwork #artnow #insidethestudio #artwatchers #artcollecting #studioviews #artmag #moderngallery #atelierdartiste
#art #artistsoninstagram
We’re on the road to nowhere
Popup in Belgium, May 2022. Glad to see #wereontheroadtonowhere in the whole lenght (without the corner-hanging in my artstudio ) 695 x 120 cm.
My new work and series Home? is about; #disaster #chaos #poverty #climatechange #discrimination #fleeing #war The world is on fire .
Episodes (full movie)
@gemeenteshertogenbosch @visitdenbosch
Full aftermovie STARK
Did you miss the expo? You can still experience the atmosphere and artworks in this aftermovie of the exhibition STARK.
Kunst versus Quarantaine
An art proces (c) Lidwien van Noorden Colorsunwind . To see more; Or;
Expo Collab Collide Collapse
21 februari t/m 24 februari ; #artots #melkfabriek. Kunststudenten van het AKV|St.Joost en kunstenaars werken drie maanden samen om elkaars ziens- en maakwijze te leren kennen. 10 koppels presenteren de uiteenlopende resultaten. Ook Lidwien van Noorden Colorsunwind en Eline Zeevat: Welkom!
Party Theater aan de Parade
Welcome! Sunday 15 uur vernissage Theater aan de Parade at the #expo #feest of Stok kunstenaars. To see till the end of februari 2019. Some of my paintings too; dancing, on fire or flying into the #parties of the next months….